Our stories of loss show we are not alone.

We hope you explore the heartfelt personal stories of women and men like you who have experienced miscarriage or pregnancy loss. They have shared their experiences to give light to their heartache, as well as to connect with others who are searching for a similar story of loss they can relate to. Many experience the loss of a baby and do not know where or who to turn to, to grieve with, feel heard, or where to find connection that has the power to heal. Always in My Heart is a shelter where both tears can be cried and hope can be spread, sharing one true message: no one has to go through this alone. Please join us by reading the stories of others and/or sharing your own.




Some of our powerful stories:

“We had our beautiful baby boy. He was 1 pound and 14″ long. He had perfect hands and feet, and a tiny little body. Caleb and I were the only ones in the room for the birth and it was life changing for both of us. Slater had the umbilical cord around his neck and was breech. He showed no signs of life. He just laid motionless. Caleb and I shared many tears, and we continue to share many tears. We held him for a couple of hours. Played with his little fingers and toes. His body was so tiny and weak, and he was just not meant to be.” – Renae C. / read full story

“I went to my 16 week appointment so excited to hear our twin’s heartbeats. Found baby A and heard a solid woosh, woosh, woosh- the sound that is music to every expectant mother’s ears. The doctor took a while as he tried to find Baby B and then went to get the ultrasound machine. Too much time had passed as he looked and listened. My heart dropped in worry as we had already lost three other babies. This just couldn’t be happening again! Then he said the words no mother or father should have to hear. “Oh, sweetie. I am so sorry. But one of your baby’s has passed away.” I was crushed. Devastated. Alone. Literally alone. My husband wasn’t there that day as there had been no sign of an impending miscarriage and it should have been a routine check-up. As I drove home sobbing, and barely able to see through tears, I had a moment of peace and clarity come to mind that this baby was and still is a part of us and our family. This tender thought carried me through the darkest of days.” – Read Daisha J. / read full story

“My husband grieved so differently than I did. At first it made me upset. He was sad but I didn’t understand why he wasn’t as sad as I was. It took me time to understand he simply couldn’t feel it on the same level as me. I learned to be ok with his grieving being different than mine. After a miscarriage I wanted to get pregnant again right away! He didn’t want to try again for long stretches of time. That was agonizing. I think every positive pregnancy test was a source of stress for my husband. Yes, he wanted another child but once you’ve experienced a miscarriage that positive pregnancy test feels more like the start of a hurdles race than a glorious end to a fertility journey.” – Crystal T. / read full story

“I blamed myself thinking I had done something wrong. After my D&C I came home, shut all our curtains, laid on my bed and cried. I did this for a week. My husband was amazing and tried to console me. I had friends reach out and family came to visit. The biggest thing that helped me was when a friend of mine dropped by and told me about her miscarriages. She told me I had two choices, I could choose to be sad and let the sadness envelope me or I could have hope in the future and push forward. She would call me and just listen! I really needed that! As I slowly started talking about losing my baby, it seemed I met dozens of women that experienced the same thing. I had no idea how many women experienced this. There was strength found in numbers.” – Sheena S. / read full story

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Please join us on Facebook and Instagram as an additional way to connect and find support. There you will find excerpts from the shared stories of others, inspirational and encouraging quotes and real time conversations and comments with mothers and fathers who are also on this journey of grief and healing.